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Welcome to the 28th Annual Region 5 Expanded Learning ReV Up 2024 In-Person Conference!
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Saturday, September 14

8:55am PDT

Restorative Communication for Staff Supporting Disengaged Youth
Saturday September 14, 2024 8:55am - 10:15am PDT
The current generation of youth have had to deal with many daunting challenges. As a result, many are disengaged from teachers and peers. While authoritative approaches can drive disengaged youth further away, Restorative Communication can help establish trusting, healthy and more sustainable relationships. Come learn valuable techniques that will help you and your students succeed.

Workshop offered during Session 1 and Session 4
avatar for Ryan McCarthy

Ryan McCarthy

Executive Director, Global Kindness Initiative
Ryan is an experienced and dedicated educator and speaker who has trained thousands of teachers and community leaders around the world. Ryan is passionate about the transformational power that Restorative Practices and SEL frameworks can have on high-trauma communities. Ryan’s work... Read More →
Saturday September 14, 2024 8:55am - 10:15am PDT
Room CE-19

8:55am PDT

Inclusion Revolution!
Saturday September 14, 2024 8:55am - 10:15am PDT
The goal of the "Inclusion Revolution" workshop is to empower participants with the knowledge, tools, and strategies to foster inclusive environments in their organizations, communities, and personal lives. Participants will learn how to recognize and address barriers to inclusion and develop actionable plans to create more equitable and welcoming spaces.
avatar for Nupur Sethi

Nupur Sethi

Inclusion Training Specialist, Inclusion Collaborative, Santa Clara County Office of Education
Nupur Sethi is Inclusion Training Specialist at the Santa Clara County Office of Education. She promotes the natural and meaningful presence of disabled people in society and is particularly passionate about the inclusion of young people. Nupur is a Podcast Creator and Curriculum... Read More →
Saturday September 14, 2024 8:55am - 10:15am PDT
Room D14

8:55am PDT

Empower Youth Voice In The Learning Space
Saturday September 14, 2024 8:55am - 10:15am PDT
Ignite joy! Unleash youth voice & build inclusive learning spaces through hands-on activities that build strong cross-cultural communities grounded in music and personal connection. Explore culturally sustaining practices, social emotional learning (SEL), and leadership skills to empower your community.

Workshop offered during Session 1, Session 2, and Session 4
avatar for Charli Kemp

Charli Kemp

Executive Director, Change the Tune
Charli Kemp is a passionate educator and social change advocate who believes in  the power of music to transform lives. With a background in education and  social-emotional learning, Charli has worked to create innovative learning spaces  that empower youth and communities. As... Read More →
Saturday September 14, 2024 8:55am - 10:15am PDT
Room D22

10:20am PDT

Transforming Adversity into Achievement
Saturday September 14, 2024 10:20am - 11:40am PDT
Nearly a third of California’s youth face adversity, including poverty, family challenges, and digital risks. These struggles often manifest as trauma expressions in our learning spaces. Join us for an enriching session as we empower and teach skills to support youth in overcoming challenges to transform adversity into achievement!

Workshop offered during Session 2 and Session 3
avatar for Raynee Russell

Raynee Russell

Operations Manager / Lead Teacher, Global Kindness Initiative
Raynee Russell, a driven educator & speaker, is dedicated to making a difference in the lives of high trauma and disenfranchised youth. With over a decade of experience in Education & Expanded Learning, Raynee has developed a unique approach that focuses on empowering individuals... Read More →
Saturday September 14, 2024 10:20am - 11:40am PDT
Room X02

10:20am PDT

Empower Youth Voice In The Learning Space
Saturday September 14, 2024 10:20am - 11:40am PDT
Ignite joy! Unleash youth voice & build inclusive learning spaces through hands-on activities that build strong cross-cultural communities grounded in music and personal connection. Explore culturally sustaining practices, social emotional learning (SEL), and leadership skills to empower your community.

Workshop offered during Session 1, Session 2, and Session 4
avatar for Charli Kemp

Charli Kemp

Executive Director, Change the Tune
Charli Kemp is a passionate educator and social change advocate who believes in  the power of music to transform lives. With a background in education and  social-emotional learning, Charli has worked to create innovative learning spaces  that empower youth and communities. As... Read More →
Saturday September 14, 2024 10:20am - 11:40am PDT
Room D22

12:55pm PDT

CATCH Us Having Fun!
Saturday September 14, 2024 12:55pm - 2:15pm PDT

Come play some games with us! The Coordinated Approach To Child Health (CATCH) program is a structured physical activity program designed for grades K-8. CATCH is a resource for creating and maintaining a healthy environment that's fun and easy. In this workshop, you can expect to become fully certified to implement CATCH at your respective site(s)! You'll walk away with a workbook with all the information on how to run CATCH and 10 games that they can use right away.

To become certified in the CATCH curriculum, you must attend Session 3 and Session 4 of this workshop. Once certified, you will have access to free CATCH curriculum, additional resources, and technical assistance.  

avatar for Jenny Nguyen

Jenny Nguyen

Health Planner, Santa Clara County Public Health Department - CalFresh Healthy Living Program
Jenny Nguyen has been training after school staff and teaching CATCH (health and physical activity curriculum) with youth for well over 3 years. In just this fiscal year alone, we partnered with 10 different community organizations and have already trained 297 staff on how to implement... Read More →
Saturday September 14, 2024 12:55pm - 2:15pm PDT
Small Gym

12:55pm PDT

Transforming Adversity into Achievement
Saturday September 14, 2024 12:55pm - 2:15pm PDT
Nearly a third of California’s youth face adversity, including poverty, family challenges, and digital risks. These struggles often manifest as trauma expressions in our learning spaces. Join us for an enriching session as we empower and teach skills to support youth in overcoming challenges to transform adversity into achievement!

Workshop offered during Session 2 and Session 3
avatar for Raynee Russell

Raynee Russell

Operations Manager / Lead Teacher, Global Kindness Initiative
Raynee Russell, a driven educator & speaker, is dedicated to making a difference in the lives of high trauma and disenfranchised youth. With over a decade of experience in Education & Expanded Learning, Raynee has developed a unique approach that focuses on empowering individuals... Read More →
Saturday September 14, 2024 12:55pm - 2:15pm PDT
Room X02

12:55pm PDT

Your Inclusion Era: Taylor-ing Success for ALL Students in Expanded Learning
Saturday September 14, 2024 12:55pm - 2:15pm PDT
Leave this session feeling empowered to make a difference for students with special needs! In this interactive workshop, we'll engage in scenarios, proactive planning, and group discussion to identify common barriers and strategize solutions to create expanded learning programs that are welcoming and effective for all students. As fearless allies of students with disabilities, you will be able to answer these questions: What's the right language to use when I'm talking about students with disabilities? What are some high-impact skills I can develop to support all students? How can I plan ahead and build activities with all students in mind?

Workshop offered during Session 3 and Session 4
avatar for Kristen Henry

Kristen Henry

Vice President of Curriculum & Training, Elevo Learning
Dr. Kristen Henry is a School Psychologist, district administrator, and accomplished leader in education. As a recent graduate of the CASEL Fellowship program, Dr. Henry demonstrated a deep dedication to advancing SEL principles in education. In her current role as the Vice President... Read More →
Saturday September 14, 2024 12:55pm - 2:15pm PDT
Room D14

12:55pm PDT

Lean into Joy and Curiosity: Supporting our Youngest Learners
Saturday September 14, 2024 12:55pm - 2:15pm PDT
TK and K students have a natural curiosity for the world around them. When this curiosity and sense of wonder is paired with hands-on opportunities that activate joy and connect to their growing sense of identity, it can be a recipe for engaging learning environments and positive classroom climate. Come learn strategies for how to support these learning environments and how to maintain them when challenging behaviors arise.

Workshop offered during Session 3 and Session 4
avatar for Veronica Garza

Veronica Garza

Director, Early Care & Education Initiatives, Santa Clara County Office of Education
Veronica Garza serves Santa Clara County as the Director of Early Care & Education Initiatives at the Santa Clara County Office of Education. Before joining the county office, she taught grades K-5 as an intervention specialist and had the opportunity to work closely with teachers... Read More →
Saturday September 14, 2024 12:55pm - 2:15pm PDT
Room X07

12:55pm PDT

Support Adults to Avoid Burnout and Enhance Well-Being
Saturday September 14, 2024 12:55pm - 2:15pm PDT
Working with children can be rewarding while at the same time emotionally and physically depleting. This workshop will help the important adults in children's lives identify the signs of stress and caregiver fatigue. You'll leave with tangible strategies to build your capacity and enhance your emotional and physical well-being.

Workshop offered during Session 3 and Session 4
avatar for Karessa Irvin

Karessa Irvin

Mental Health Trainer & Professional Development Coach, Effective School Solutions
Karessa Irvin is a bilingual Brooklyn, NY native but now hails in the Bay area of CA. She is a Mental Health Trainer and Professional Development Coach from Effective School Solutions (ESS). She previously worked as an Adjunct professor and program manager supporting LGBTQ+ young... Read More →
Saturday September 14, 2024 12:55pm - 2:15pm PDT
Room X09

2:20pm PDT

CATCH Us Having Fun!
Saturday September 14, 2024 2:20pm - 3:40pm PDT

Come play some games with us! The Coordinated Approach To Child Health (CATCH) program is a structured physical activity program designed for grades K-8. CATCH is a resource for creating and maintaining a healthy environment that's fun and easy. In this workshop, you can expect to become fully certified to implement CATCH at your respective site(s)! You'll walk away with a workbook with all the information on how to run CATCH and 10 games that they can use right away.

To become certified in the CATCH curriculum, you must attend Session 3 and Session 4 of this workshop. Once certified, you will have access to free CATCH curriculum, additional resources, and technical assistance.

avatar for Jenny Nguyen

Jenny Nguyen

Health Planner, Santa Clara County Public Health Department - CalFresh Healthy Living Program
Jenny Nguyen has been training after school staff and teaching CATCH (health and physical activity curriculum) with youth for well over 3 years. In just this fiscal year alone, we partnered with 10 different community organizations and have already trained 297 staff on how to implement... Read More →
Saturday September 14, 2024 2:20pm - 3:40pm PDT
Small Gym

2:20pm PDT

Restorative Communication for Staff Supporting Disengaged Youth
Saturday September 14, 2024 2:20pm - 3:40pm PDT
The current generation of youth have had to deal with many daunting challenges. As a result, many are disengaged from teachers and peers. While authoritative approaches can drive disengaged youth further away, Restorative Communication can help establish trusting, healthy and more sustainable relationships. Come learn valuable techniques that will help you and your students succeed.

Workshop offered during Session 1 and Session 4
avatar for Ryan McCarthy

Ryan McCarthy

Executive Director, Global Kindness Initiative
Ryan is an experienced and dedicated educator and speaker who has trained thousands of teachers and community leaders around the world. Ryan is passionate about the transformational power that Restorative Practices and SEL frameworks can have on high-trauma communities. Ryan’s work... Read More →
Saturday September 14, 2024 2:20pm - 3:40pm PDT
Room CE-19

2:20pm PDT

Your Inclusion Era: Taylor-ing Success for ALL Students in Expanded Learning
Saturday September 14, 2024 2:20pm - 3:40pm PDT
Leave this session feeling empowered to make a difference for students with special needs! In this interactive workshop, we'll engage in scenarios, proactive planning, and group discussion to identify common barriers and strategize solutions to create expanded learning programs that are welcoming and effective for all students. As fearless allies of students with disabilities, you will be able to answer these questions: What's the right language to use when I'm talking about students with disabilities? What are some high-impact skills I can develop to support all students? How can I plan ahead and build activities with all students in mind?

Workshop offered during Session 3 and Session 4
avatar for Kristen Henry

Kristen Henry

Vice President of Curriculum & Training, Elevo Learning
Dr. Kristen Henry is a School Psychologist, district administrator, and accomplished leader in education. As a recent graduate of the CASEL Fellowship program, Dr. Henry demonstrated a deep dedication to advancing SEL principles in education. In her current role as the Vice President... Read More →
Saturday September 14, 2024 2:20pm - 3:40pm PDT
Room D14

2:20pm PDT

Lean into Joy and Curiosity: Supporting our Youngest Learners
Saturday September 14, 2024 2:20pm - 3:40pm PDT
TK and K students have a natural curiosity for the world around them. When this curiosity and sense of wonder is paired with hands-on opportunities that activate joy and connect to their growing sense of identity, it can be a recipe for engaging learning environments and positive classroom climate. Come learn strategies for how to support these learning environments and how to maintain them when challenging behaviors arise.

Workshop offered during Session 3 and Session 4
avatar for Veronica Garza

Veronica Garza

Director, Early Care & Education Initiatives, Santa Clara County Office of Education
Veronica Garza serves Santa Clara County as the Director of Early Care & Education Initiatives at the Santa Clara County Office of Education. Before joining the county office, she taught grades K-5 as an intervention specialist and had the opportunity to work closely with teachers... Read More →
Saturday September 14, 2024 2:20pm - 3:40pm PDT
Room X07

2:20pm PDT

Support Adults to Avoid Burnout and Enhance Well-Being
Saturday September 14, 2024 2:20pm - 3:40pm PDT
Working with children can be rewarding while at the same time emotionally and physically depleting. This workshop will help the important adults in children's lives identify the signs of stress and caregiver fatigue. You'll leave with tangible strategies to build your capacity and enhance your emotional and physical well-being.

Workshop offered during Session 3 and Session 4
avatar for Karessa Irvin

Karessa Irvin

Mental Health Trainer & Professional Development Coach, Effective School Solutions
Karessa Irvin is a bilingual Brooklyn, NY native but now hails in the Bay area of CA. She is a Mental Health Trainer and Professional Development Coach from Effective School Solutions (ESS). She previously worked as an Adjunct professor and program manager supporting LGBTQ+ young... Read More →
Saturday September 14, 2024 2:20pm - 3:40pm PDT
Room X09

2:20pm PDT

Career Exploration through Culturally Relevant, Diverse and Inclusive Methods
Saturday September 14, 2024 2:20pm - 3:40pm PDT
STEAM the Streets created engaging multimedia resources to help your students explore careers through a culturally relevant lens. In this workshop, we will highlight these resources including the STEAM the Streets App and slide-based lessons. They both feature engaging stories from underrepresented individuals in STEAM career fields. Take back amazing resources ready to implement on Monday!
avatar for Ben Gilbarg

Ben Gilbarg

Director, STEAM the Streets
STEAM the Streets helps youth see themselves in STEAM careers through culturally relevant media and the arts. Since being founded in 2016, they have directly served over 6,000 students and have reached more than 3 million through online campaigns. STEAM the Streets has helped schools... Read More →
Saturday September 14, 2024 2:20pm - 3:40pm PDT
Room C5

2:20pm PDT

Empower Youth Voice In The Learning Space
Saturday September 14, 2024 2:20pm - 3:40pm PDT
Ignite joy! Unleash youth voice & build inclusive learning spaces through hands-on activities that build strong cross-cultural communities grounded in music and personal connection. Explore culturally sustaining practices, social emotional learning (SEL), and leadership skills to empower your community.

Workshop offered during Session 1, Session 2, and Session 4
avatar for Charli Kemp

Charli Kemp

Executive Director, Change the Tune
Charli Kemp is a passionate educator and social change advocate who believes in  the power of music to transform lives. With a background in education and  social-emotional learning, Charli has worked to create innovative learning spaces  that empower youth and communities. As... Read More →
Saturday September 14, 2024 2:20pm - 3:40pm PDT
Room D22